Family Naturopaths:
Because every symptom tells a story

Natural, evidence-based solutions for family health challenges

Let’s Work Together


Are you overwhelmed by moods and meltdowns (your kids and your own!)? 

Low energy levels, acne, eczema, gut health, heavy periods, PMS, perimenopause, chronically enlarged tonsils/adenoids, mouth breathing or behaviour challenges?

Or battling the merry-go-round of frequent illness or ongoing post-viral symptoms?

As a team of natural medicine versions of old-school family GPs from era’s gone by, we support babies to grandparents with everything from coughs and colds to more complex health needs.  We understand first-hand the challenges of raising healthy, happy families and across the team we specialise in supporting kids, teens, and their parents with evidence-based, root-cause solutions for:-

*Gut issues * Immune health * Stress * Sleep *Mood or behaviour challenges * Airway health (incl tonsils/adenoids)* Vaginal and Urinary Health* Skin *Hormone-related complaints ….. and more.

Consultations are available face-to-face at our Graceville clinic (Brisbane) and online via ZOOM for clients from all over Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

― Thomas A. Edison 

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Kind Words:

“From the moment Kelly started talking at her Healthy Bellies, Happy Kids community event, I was hooked for the next hour and a half it was fascinating. Her enthusiasm, passion and knowledge are so inspiring and she is so friendly and incredibly helpful. After going on to consult with Kelly 1:1 for our 10 year old son and implementing her recommendations, he has much more energy and life is calmer for our whole family. We couldn’t be happier”